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Carrier has introduced the Ultra-Low Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Gas Furnace to its non-condensing 80 percent efficiency models. Two models – a 60,000 and an 80,000 BTUh furnace – have been developed to meet California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) Ultra Low NOx Rule 1111 and Rule 4905, respectively, which require NOx emissions of less than 14 nanograms per joule.
These new models will cut emissions by approximately 65 percent from the older low NOx standard. Homeowners aren’t required to install an ultra-low NOx furnace until October 2019. Customers can receive a $500 rebate when installed in SCAQMD by filing for the rebate at www.cleanairfurnacerebate.com while funds last. Carrier expects to introduce additional gas furnace capacity ranges in 2019 to meet the ultra-low NOx designation. By 2020, Carrier plans to offer a full, competitive lineup across all capacities and models.