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A record number of nearly 40 Unified Group members attended the Group’s 2025 BIM/Prefab Forum in Fort Myers, Florida, to share insight, best practices and innovative techniques in BIM and prefabrication.
“I really enjoyed seeing what other companies were doing and how they solved similar issues that we are experiencing,” said Mark Galek of Legacy Mechanical. “I was impressed with the whole group and their willingness to share. It felt like we were all on the same team working for the same company.”
The first morning began with a panel on the flow of VDC (virtual design and construction) into prefabrication. The group discussed how prefab drawings are sent to the shop and who is involved in the decision-making process for prefabrication. Afterward, Noe Gamez of B&I Contractors gave a presentation on 3D scanners. Later, B&I’s David Moorehead and Chuck Schaeffer of Blauch Brothers shared their experiences integrating augmented reality (AR) technology into their operations.
B&I’s new Data Scientist, Cameron Webster, wrapped the morning with a presentation on how his company builds a data-driven culture, noting the importance of creating custom, scalable solutions in-house rather than relying on purchased tools. He emphasized that true innovation thrives through collaboration and that the key to a competitive edge in analytics is the speed at which questions are answered, enabling faster decision-making.
A morning of presentations and discussion shifted into an afternoon tour of B&I Contractors’ Fort Myers facilities, where members got a look at the company's BIM and prefab process for sheet metal, piping and plumbing in action.
“B&I employees were all so generous with their time and effort to make everyone feel welcomed while sharing their knowledge and successes,” said Todd Jacks of Wiegmann Associates.
Friday morning, members continued the collaborative momentum with more discussion panels.Intech Mechanical’s Ricky Ramos gave a presentation on shop drawing standards, delving into the importance of setting consistent practices across the industry. A highly anticipated ITM vs. Revit Families panel followed. Panelists discussed the benefits and challenges of using ITMs and RFAs across platforms and how their teams manage data and software libraries.
In the afternoon, Gregg Kennedy of Intech Mechanical led a hands-on discussion of add-ins, dedicated to helping others discover new tools to improve workflows. This led to the “Best Ideas”segment, in which companies like Peterson Sheet Metal and VHV Company shared insight on successful strategies and software tools they've implemented, including BuildCentrix updates and Scribe SOP practices. Later in the day, participants took part in a breakout session discussing personal challenges with BIM and prefabrication and brainstorming potential solutions. The day’s final session focused on the complexities of project coordination, estimating and managing costs.
“If I hadn't attended this meeting, I would've missed building relationships with others,” said Bryan Baker of VHV Company. “The relationships created here are priceless.”
Upcoming Unified Group Forums include Small/Special Projects, Human Resources and Construction. To learn more about attending a meeting or becoming a member of The Unified Group, contact Janet Kelleher at KelleherJ@TheUnifiedGroup.com.