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The association says the aggressive product development and production schedule will enable plumbing manufacturers to supply the marketplace with sufficient product quantities and choices while assuring consumer safety and satisfaction.
Our conversation spans from retooling to manufacturer masks for front line workers during the pandemic to designing and producing products that keep health and safety at the forefront.
Popular Plumbing Engineer Columnist, Ron George, will present on proper way to perform an emergency flush and disinfection procedure following a lengthy shut-down of a building.
The association's guidelines and free webinar suggest best practices for recommissioning buildings left vacant during COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders.
A team of engineers at NIST has produced a list of high priority research needs that would establish a foundation for the design, maintenance and operation of plumbing systems fit for the water needs of today and onward.
The revamped resource provides guidance to contractors that are looking to measure the impact that delays, PPE and manpower limitations have on the construction sites that they are working on.
From the very first pump in 1945 to today’s digital solutions, Grundfos has been synonymous with a pioneering spirit, social awareness and innovative solutions.