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While there is a place for artificial intelligence in your company’s public relations plan, a human writer can capture the emotions and desires of you and your staff, and collaborate with you on a deeper level than any technical tool can.
HVAC Tactical may have started out as a swag brand for HVAC contractors, but creator Ben Poole set out to create a lifestyle brand that represented the HVAC trade and had a bigger purpose than just selling clothes.
With connected filtered bottle filling stations, facilities can minimize maintenance and increase efficiency.
June 3, 2024
Updated, enhanced and connected bottle filling stations are expected to replace old-fashioned drinking fountains as facilities search for ways to lower expenses, meet compliance and meet sustainability goals.
Richard DiToma shares his insights on how properly stocking service vehicles with essential materials can help control operational costs and improve efficiency. He highlights the significance of having a well-structured inventory list that includes regularly used items while excluding larger or rarely used items.
Cody Mack provides information on the importance of three-way mixing valves, where you need them, how to size them, and the role of recirculation systems in maintaining stable temperatures in hydronic systems.
Tom Soukup explains the importance of carefully reviewing contracts before signing and pushing back on unfair terms; stand firm on your prices and prioritize your bottom line.
The California Heat Pump Partnership brings together leading state agencies, manufacturers, utilities, and other market actors to support the state’s heat pump and climate targets.