TDIndustries Recognized for Diversity Efforts

TDIndustries Recognized for Diversity Efforts

July 10, 2019

TDIndustries was recently recognized for its diversity efforts, namely for having more than 20 percent women on the TD Board of Directors. Nonprofit organization 2020 Women on Boards named TDIndustries as a "W" Winning Company and as a positive example for others to follow in the importance of board diversity.

2020WOB advocates for increasing the number of women on corporate boards of directors. Its goal: to increase the percentage of women on U.S. boards to 20 percent or greater by the year 2020. The year 2020 also marks the 100th anniversary of when the 19th Amendment was passed – the milestone for when women won the right to vote.

In 2018, only 17 percent of board seats nationally were held by women, and that was up from 16 percent in the previous year. And a quarter of public companies in the U.S. have no women directors on their boards.

TD has long valued and understood diversity and gender equality in its workforce, including trades, the field, senior leadership, and all areas of the organization. TD has continuously had more than 20 percent women representation on its Board of Directors.

In 2016, TDIndustries announced its commitment to achieving gender equity throughout its corporate leadership structure by 2030 in a partnership with the Paradigm for Parity coalition. The partnership committed TDIndustries to:

  • Eliminating or minimizing unconscious bias in the workplace.
  • Significantly increase the number of women in senior operating roles, with the near term goal of at least 30 percent representation in all leadership groups.
  • Measuring targets and maintaining accountability by providing regular progress reports.
  • Basing career progress on business results and performance, rather than physical presence in the office.
  • Providing sponsors, not just mentors, to women well positioned for long term success.

To date, the companies that have joined TD in the commitment to achieve gender parity by 2030 and follow the Paradigm for Parity Action Plan include: Accenture, Adecco, American Electric Power, APCO Worldwide, AstraZeneca, Bank of America, Cargill, DSC Logistics, Edison International, Frontier Communications, Huffington Post, LinkedIn, McKinsey, MetricStream, Nordstrom, VF Corp, SAP, Spencer Stuart, VOYA, and many more.

This blog was originally published on TD Talks. Since 1946, TDIndustries has provided innovative engineering, construction and facilities services that optimize the performance of world-class mechanical systems. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Besides San Antonio, TD has offices in Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, Richardson, and Phoenix, Arizona. TD’s commitment to an inclusive environment allows them to harness the strength of diversity.