Ernie Coutermarsh, The Wholesaler Magazine 2019 PVF Hall of Fame Award Winner, to be Honored at PVF Roundtable Networking Event 3

The Wholesaler Magazine 2019 PVF Hall of Fame Award Winner, Ernie Coutermarsh, to be Honored at PVF Roundtable Event

April 4, 2019

Congratulations to Ernie Coutermarsh, F.W. Webb, who The Wholesaler Magazine has honored with its 2019 PVF Hall of Fame Award. Ernie will be featured in the May issue of The Wholesaler Magazine.

As a pillar in the PVF industry over 50 years, we are excited to celebrate Ernie’s accomplishments in print and person during the PVF Roundtable Networking event on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, in Houston. 

The PVF Roundtable is a member-driven organization dedicated to advance, support and promote industry professionals involved in the Pipe, Valve and Fitting industry. To attend this fantastic event, as well as honor Ernie, members can register at