Emerging Water Technology Symposium Announces Call for Abstracts

Emerging Water Technology Symposium Announces Call for Abstracts

April 3, 2019

The call for abstracts for the seventh biannual Emerging Water Technology Symposium (EWTS), to be held from May 1213, 2020, in San Antonio, may be downloaded from the EWTS website.

The symposium will be co-convened by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), in cooperation with the World Plumbing Council (WPC).

Abstracts will be welcomed on topics including the water-energy nexus, water efficiency, water quality, alternate water sources, 3D modeling for plumbing and mechanical applications, water reuse, water infrastructure, sustainability, mitigating opportunistic pathogens, and more.

The EWTS provides an opportunity for experts to present new ideas and approaches, emerging technologies coming to market, innovative green plumbing and mechanical concepts, and more. Professionals from the manufacturing, engineering, plumbing and mechanical, and water utility industries participate, along with individuals from government and academia.

"I'm delighted to announce, on behalf of the convening organizations that provide the EWTS, that abstracts can now be submitted and we look forward to receiving proposals from experts throughout the world who have made major contributions toward developing new technologies or conducting vital research that will help keep our building water systems safe and efficient," said GP Russ Chaney, CEO of The IAPMO Group. "So, please disseminate this notice to one and all so that we encourage the broadest possible input to next year’s EWTS."

For more information, please contact Pete DeMarco at (909) 996-0220 or