ACCA Members Continue to Support TRC Recycling Effort

ACCA Members Continue to Support TRC Recycling Effort

February 6, 2019

A recent review by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America shows that its members are some of the nation’s top recyclers of mercury containing thermostats that are included in the Thermostat Recycling Corp.’s collection efforts.

The ACCA members who accounted for the highest contributions – more than 50 per year – include:

  • Answer Heating & Cooling Inc.
  • Burkholder's HVAC
  • Entek Corp.
  • Favret Co.
  • Halco Heating. & Energy
  • Homer Nine and Sons
  • Homeserve USA Energy Services
  • Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning
  • Morrison Inc.
  • Peters Heating & A/C
  • Robie's Heating & Plumbing
  • Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

“We are both pleased and impressed with the ACCA members who demonstrated best practices by removing and safely recycling mercury containing thermostats while on service calls,” said Ryan Kiscaden, executive director, TRC. “This demonstrates that the backbone of our industry, the contractor, is the first line of activity in protecting the environment in the removal of all mercury containing thermostats.”

Founded in 1998, TRC is an industry-funded nonprofit corporation supported by 30 manufacturers that historically branded and sold mercury thermostats in the United States. TRC maintains a network of more than 3,600 collection sites nationwide and has recovered more than 2.4 million thermostats, containing 11 tons of mercury since its inception. TRC assumes all costs to transport and properly dispose of mercury switch thermostats recovered from service.

“ACCA members are highly skilled professionals who are committed to protecting the environment and safely recycling mercury containing thermostats,” said Barton James, interim president and CEO, ACCA. “Through the TRC collection program, ACCA members collected nearly 2,500 mercury containing thermostats. However, we know that thousands of other ACCA members recycle through their local distributor, and we thank them for their efforts as well.”

HVAC wholesalers and hazardous waste collection sites serve as the lynchpin of TRC’s collection efforts. TRC and ACCA have also created a Mercury Thermostat Compliance Policy handbook available for free download that contractors are encouraged to have their employees follow.

 “The relationship between TRC and ACCA members demonstrates what happens when there is an exceptional degree of cooperation between two organizations that are aligned to meet a common goal that benefits the consumer and safeguards the environment,” Kiscaden said.