MSS Publishes Three Revised Standard Practices
The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the valve and fittings industry announces that the society has revised and published Standard Practices SP-95-2018, Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs and SP-123-2018, Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use With Copper Water Tube.
MSS SP-95 has served the industry for over 32 years, covering dimensions, finish, tolerances, marking, and material for carbon steel and alloy steel Swage or Swaged Nipples (male-end reducing fittings), NPS 1/8 through NPS 12 (DN 6 through DN 300) and Bull Plugs (hollow or solid male closures), NPS 1/8 through NPS 12 (DN 6 through DN 300). These fittings are made with ends that are threaded, beveled, square cut, grooved, or any combination of these. Both concentric and eccentric Swage(d) Nipples are included. In addition, this standard practice addresses the design and manufacture of fittings with special dimensions and fittings made from non-standard materials (i.e., Partial Compliance Fittings). SP-95 continues to be maintained under the consensus of Technical Committee 105, Forged Steel Fittings.
The original edition of SP-123 was published by MSS in 1998 and has served the industry for over 20 years, covering copper and copper alloy unions with metal-to-metal seating, in nominal sizes 1/4 through 4, with solder-joint or threaded end connections, and for use with copper water tube compliant with ASTM B88. SP-123 continues to be maintained under the consensus of Technical Committee 201, Non-Ferrous Fittings and Flanges.
The revised MSS Standard Practices, SP-95-2018 and SP-123-2018, are now available from authorized U.S. and global distributors. They have been published in electronic versions (PDF) and in book format.