Adaptive Sports $250,000 Away From Kelsey Wright Building Campaign Goal
Adaptive Sports is $250,000 away from finishing its $14,000,000 fundraising campaign to build a new home for the Adaptive Sports Center at the Kelsey Wright Building. The goal of this marquee project is to help ensure the future of the Adaptive Sports Center and its mission to improve the lives of people with disabilities through therapeutic outdoor adventure.
Last month, Dorothy and Norman Eastwood and Glena and Jim Miller issued a $350,000 matching challenge which, when matched, will complete the fundraising for the Kelsey Wright Building. They will match dollar-for-dollar all donations and pledges committed from Jan. 14 to Jan. 31, 2019, up to $350,000. Adaptive Sports has raised $100,000 toward the match and have $250,000 remaining to finish the match and complete the campaign. All donations will be recognized on Adaptive Sports' donor wall. In order to fully leverage the match, pledges are accepted through 2021. Those who wish to donate can visit the Adaptive Sports website.