HARDI Premieres Workforce Recruitment Documentary

HARDI Premieres Workforce Recruitment Documentary

December 28, 2018

Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International premiered its Workforce Recruitment Documentary, "Hot Commodity" at its Annual Conference in Austin, Texas to a crowd of more than 800 during a breakfast general session.

"I am very pleased with the end result of the documentary and really believe that this will be a great start to our ongoing recruitment initiative," said Director of Marketing & Sales Chris DeBoer, who produced the project. "Having all the young people who were featured in the film onsite for the premier made the event even more special." 

The full-length feature showcased the stories of various millennial employees at HARDI distributors, and included background information on the growing labor shortage in the trade industries.

This documentary was filmed by Muddy Trails duo Bryce and Jessie Suriano, and will serve as a tool for providing exposure to the HVACR distribution industry to young individuals who may have never heard of HVACR or wholesale distribution.

"I received some really great feedback and suggestions for this piece and the second phase of this effort," DeBoer continued.

The official release of the film to the public will occur in Spring 2019.

For more information on this ongoing project and how to get involved, visit the Workforce Recruitment Initiative page in the Talent section of

Click here to watch the trailer.