US Dept of Labor

US Secretary of Labor Announces Start of National Apprenticeship Week

November 13, 2018

U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta today announced the start of National Apprenticeship Week (NAW). This year’s theme – "Apprenticeships: Creating Tomorrow" – celebrates the impact apprenticeship programs have in helping Americans learn skills for jobs in growing industries. NAW will continue through November 18.

“President Trump’s Administration is committed to expanding apprenticeships and workforce investment across all industries. Apprenticeship is a proven way to help Americans learn the skills they need for good, safe, family-sustaining jobs,” said Secretary Acosta. “National Apprenticeship Week provides an opportunity to showcase how businesses, labor, educational institutions, trade and industry groups, and public officials across the nation are expanding apprenticeships to develop a skilled, dedicated workforce.”

There are currently more than 7 million open jobs in the United States, and available jobs have exceeded job seekers for seven straight months. Many of these vacancies remain unfilled because job creators cannot find job seekers with the in-demand skills. Apprenticeships provide paid, relevant workplace experiences and opportunities to develop skills job creators demand. The administration is working to create more opportunities across all industries, including occupations that have not typically used apprenticeships, such as information technology, advanced manufacturing, banking and finance, and healthcare.

In 2017, President Trump issued an executive order, "Expanding Apprenticeships in America." Following the president’s executive order, Secretary Acosta convened the President’s Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion, which included leaders from business, labor, trade and industry groups, educational institutions and public officials. Earlier this year, the task force submitted a report to the president providing a strategy, including specific recommendations, to create more apprenticeships in the United States through the new industry-recognized apprenticeship program model.

This summer, the department announced a grant program to accelerate the expansion of apprenticeships to new industry sectors, and to increase apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans. Additionally, the department launched a new digital platform: This innovative web portal features an "Apprenticeship Finder" tool that offers career seekers a platform to search for apprenticeships by city, state, and occupation, and connects job seekers to high-skilled, high paying careers.

NAW events and activities can include apprenticeship program open houses for career seekers, skills competitions, community forums, apprentice graduations, business open houses, high school or college career fairs, apprenticeship signing days, industry roundtable events and more. To explore NAW resources and to include an event in a national listing of NAW events, visit