IAPMO Selected to Pursue National Adoption of ISO 30500

IAPMO Selected to Pursue National Adoption of ISO 30500

October 31, 2018

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials has been selected to serve as the ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer to pursue the national adoption of ISO 30500, Non-sewered sanitation systems — Prefabricated integrated treatment units — General safety and performance requirements for design and testing.

ISO 30500 is an international standard developed by 32 participating economies and 16 observing members where ANSI served as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group Administrator for ISO PC 305. The U.S. TAG recently voted to pursue the national adoption of ISO 30500 and selected IAPMO as the ASD to pursue this effort. ISO 30500 was published in early October 2018.

“IAPMO is delighted to have been selected to serve as the ASD to pursue the national adoption of ISO 30500,” said IAPMO Group CEO GP Russ Chaney. “IAPMO will facilitate the development of this important standard working in support of the U.S. TAG and will ensure that all materially affected interests have the opportunity to have their contribution considered. We look forward to beginning this very important effort in the coming weeks.”

The ISO 30500 standard specifies general safety and performance requirements for design and testing, as well as sustainability considerations, for non-sewered sanitation systems. An NSSS, for the purposes of this document, is a prefabricated integrated treatment unit comprising frontend (toilet facility) and backend (treatment facility) components. It is applicable to sanitation systems that are either manufactured as one package or manufactured as a set of prefabricated elements designed to be assembled in one location without further fabrication or modification that influences the system function.

IAPMO will be generating a technical committee to be responsible for the adoption of the national standard. The technical committee will operate in accordance with ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards and the IAPMO PP-1, Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards. A notice seeking participation for this committee will be published soon.

“It is a testament to the confidence the industry has in IAPMO, which in turn strives to continue to serve the industry to protect the welfare of public,” said Hugo Aguilar, IAPMO vice president of Codes and Standards.

For more than 30 years, IAPMO has developed plumbing product standards as American National Standards, initially as the Secretariat for the ANSI Z124 Technical Committee in 1984, and since 2005 independently under its own American National Standards Institute accredited standards development procedures. IAPMO is also accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for the development of National Standards of Canada, thus holding responsibility for the development of CAN/IAPMO designated standards.

Founded in 1926, IAPMO is a worldwide leader in the promotion of heathy and safe plumbing and mechanical systems. IAPMO has developed industry standards for more than 30 years, with a focus on plumbing products, water efficiency, solar heating systems and components, mechanical products (including heating, ventilation, cooling and refrigeration system products), and products used in the recreational vehicle and manufactured housing industry.

For more information, contact Kyle Thompson at