
Missouri Congressman Jason Smith Receives HARDI Award

September 5, 2018

Congressman Jason Smith was awarded the Small Business Champion Award Wednesday at Crescent Parts and Equipment for fighting to protect the interests of small businesses while serving in the United States Congress.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy and create 7 out of 10 new jobs in the United States,” said Congressman Smith. “Thanks to significant tax relief and pro-growth policies, small businesses are more optimistic about the future than they’ve been in decades. President Trump and I are working hard to get Washington out of the way to help small businesses – and America – thrive.”

Congressman Smith is an original author of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Trump signed into law in late 2017. Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was enacted, 1.5 million jobs have been created in the United States and the unemployment rate has fallen to the lowest rate since 2000. Last quarter the GDP growth in the U.S. was 4.2 percent, the strongest growth pace in nearly four years.

Congressman Smith has led the charge in Congress to repeal burdensome regulations and policies that harm family businesses.

The award was presented by HARDI (Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International), which represents more than 480 distributor members with more than 5,000 branch locations. More than 80 percent of HARDI wholesalers are small businesses.
