PHCC-National President Sends Letter to White House on Association Health Plans
PHCC National President Laurie Crigler sent a letter to the White House conveying PHCC’s continued support of Association Health Plans.
“As the oldest construction trade association in the nation, we recognize the benefit this could provide to our contractor members, their hardworking employees, and families. Providing affordable health care services to these citizens increases productivity while freeing up capital to expand their businesses and workforce,” Crigler said.
The letter is the latest installment in a continued effort by PHCC-National Association in support of a new rule issued by the Department of Labor in June of this year. While Association Health Plans currently exist, they are restricted to stay within their own states. The new rule removes that restriction.
The new rule would help small businesses afford better coverage for their employees – and expand the universe (based on industry commonality) of those who could potentially obtain health care (thereby relaxing the restrictions regarding state lines – which would potentially create larger insurance pools).
The new AHP could provide an option for small employers to offer competitive and affordable health benefits to their employees and increase the number of Americans who receive coverage through their employer.
At the heart of Crigler’s letter is a possible delay in implementation resulting from a recent lawsuit filed by 12 states which, combined with other factors, may leave insurance carriers hesitant to participate in initial planning efforts, such as providing base line costs.
“PHCC is further concerned that the lack of Federal pre-emption will leave a number of our state chapters out of the process,” Crigler explained.
In the meantime, President Crigler and PHCC EVP Michael Copp continue to work on efforts to create an association health plan that meets the needs of its contractor members and their employees – including potential members. In addition to offering the White House continued support to help move the process along, PHCC-National Association is also creating a grassroots campaign for when Congress comes back in session next week.