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Winsupply Opens Two New Locations

August 13, 2018

Winsupply Inc has opened Winsupply of Kerrvill, serving plumbing, heating and air conditioning (HVAC), and water well contractors in southwest Texas, and Winsupply of Chattanooga, serving HVAC contractors in southeast Tennessee and north Georgia.

Ronnie Sprenger is the president of Winsupply of Kerrville and has 18 years’ experience in plumbing and HVAC. Sprenger and his team of three employees bring a lot of combined experience in plumbing and HVAC.

Jeremy Whitworth is president of Winsupply of Chattanooga and has been a branch manager in HVAC for 20 years.

“We will be relentless in our efforts at being the best at customer service and HVAC distributor of choice,” Whitworth said. “Being an owner is exciting. (Unlike my previous employer) this means my customers will no longer be waiting on decisions from higher up because the decisions will be made at the local company level.”

In the Winsupply co-ownership business model, Winsupply Inc. has majority equity in each of its locations, while the local company presidents and sometimes employees own substantial equity. With this model, local companies have the autonomy and flexibility to decide how best to meet the needs of the customers in their markets. Co-ownership gives them pride of ownership, a sense of achievement and the ability to share in the company’s performance financially.
