phcppros Ranked Among Best Companies to Work for in New York

May 31, 2018 was ranked No. 6. among medium employers in New York, according to the annual Best Companies to Work for in New York State awards program.

Created in 2007, this annual program evaluates and ranks the best places of employment in the State based on employee satisfaction and engagement, as well as workplace practices and policies.

"It's so exciting to be part of a company that is recognized as a top place to work," said Julie Costello, HR representative. "We have experienced incredible growth since we were presented with our first award three years ago and it's amazing to know that our company culture remains intact; our team loves what they do; and our leaders value and respect us." is an online supplier of plumbing, heating, and HVAC products. The company believes the keys to its success include an open door policy, the de-emphasis of titles, and a dog friendly office. Along with that, the company offers ping-pong, pool tables and a gym that employees can use during their break time.

The Best Companies to Work for in New York State program is a partnership between the NYS-SHRM and Best Companies Group.
