Green Business Certification and Canada Green Building Council Announce Joint Venture

Green Business Certification and Canada Green Building Council Announce Joint Venture

March 1, 2018

Green Business Certification Inc. and the Canada Green Building Council have announced that its joint venture – GBCI Canada – has launched. GBCI Canada was formed to accelerate green building market transformation and impact in Canada, which is the second largest market for LEED outside of the United States. GBCI Canada enables the Canadian industry to leverage new opportunities to validate enhanced building performance and increase emissions reductions, operational savings and human health benefits.

GBCI Canada exclusively administers project certifications within the framework of the LEED green building rating systems, as well as the WELL Building Standard, the Sustainable SITES Initiative (SITES) for land use, Parksmart for parking structures, TRUE Zero Waste, Investor Confidence Project (ICP) for energy efficiency retrofits, and the GRESB benchmark, which is used by institutional investors to improve the sustainability performance of the global property sector. GBCI Canada will be led by CaGBC President and CEO Thomas Mueller, who will manage both organizations to ensure seamless integration.

“The emergence of Canada’s low-carbon economy has greatly accelerated progress toward achieving CaGBC’s longstanding mission of mass market transformation,” says Thomas Mueller, President and CEO, GBCI Canada and CaGBC. “With over a decade of LEED experience, the Canadian industry is well positioned to work toward more energy efficient and low-carbon buildings, as well as health and wellness, and zero waste goals. GBCI Canada has been established to support industry efforts to scale-up by providing expert service and online delivery platforms for a broader suite of complementary green building standards.”

Nellie Cheng will also join GBCI Canada as its Managing Director. Cheng brings three decades of experience, including working with GBCI, the World Green Building Council and the Vancouver Economic Development Commission.