F.W. Webb Acquires Harbor Plumbing & Heating Supply

F.W. Webb Signs Exclusive Distributor Agreement

January 25, 2018

The F.W. Webb Process Controls Division based in Winslow, Maine and Cazenovia, New York is now the exclusive distributor in New England and upstate New York of KROHNE process measurement and analytical instrumentation products.

F.W. Webb Process Controls Division is offering precision KROHNE products, such as: Flow rate; Level; Temperature; Pressure; Analysis; Viscosity; Gas; and Steam

“F.W. Webb is meeting the strict quality needs of facility managers and engineers, who must monitor, measure, diagnosis, and control processes in their ongoing operations,“ said Corey Post, general manager, F.W. Webb Process Controls Division. “These customers will be pleased and satisfied with the reliable instrumentation products we are now offering from Krohne.”

Industry professionals in pulp and paper processing, food and beverage production, power/energy generation and transmission, water treatment, waste processing, and manufacturing are among those who will benefit from using KROHNE instrumentation products.
