
Global Solar Certification Network Welcomes ICC-SRCC

January 9, 2018

ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) announced that the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (ICC-SRCC) joined the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN). The GSCN is an international consortium of certification bodies, inspection bodies, test labs and solar thermal industry representatives that are working together to make solar thermal collector test data and factory inspection reports more portable between certification bodies across the globe.

ICC-SRCC recently joined ICC-ES and is the first certification body accepted into the GSCN. The network’s goal is to minimize the need for redundant testing and inspection to meet certification requirements in each new country where solar thermal products are marketed and sold.

By working to reduce the need to retest and re-inspect, the GSCN saves manufacturers valuable time and money. Consumers will benefit from more choices as it becomes easier for innovative solar thermal technologies to be certified and sold more widely.

“ICC-SRCC’s involvement in the GSCN attests to its position as a leading certification body in the renewable energy industry,” said ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian, P.E. “Actively participating in the GSCN is just one way that ICC-SRCC continues to demonstrate our focus first and foremost on providing our clients with the best customer service and most up-to-date solutions for their certification needs.”
