IAPMO Seeks Volunteers for 2020 WE•Stand Technical Committee
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is seeking volunteers to participate on the technical committee working toward the development of the 2020 edition of the Water Efficiency and Sanitation Standard (WE•Stand).
The WE•Stand Technical Committee seeks members in the following categories: Consumer, Enforcing Authority, Design Professional, Installer/Maintainer, Labor, Manufacturer, User, and Special Expert. These committees are assembled in accordance with the Regulations Governing Consensus Development of the WE- Stand. This document may be downloaded at http://bit.ly/2ivrhNQ.
IAPMO will publish the first edition of WE•Stand in 2017, the first-ever ANSI standard that focuses solely on achieving safer and more efficient water use in both residential and non-residential buildings. The 2017 WE•Stand contains the latest comprehensive provisions aimed at achieving safer and more reliable water
The 2020 WE•Stand code cycle will be focusing on developing new codified provisions for the following:
- Alternate water sources, including new requirements for black water treatment and uses, new requirements for storm water treatment and uses, the safe reuse of commercial kitchen effluent.
- Net-zero water and waste, including considerations for safely attaining net-zero water and waste performance in buildings.
- Commercial food service, including consideration of new water efficiency provisions for convenience stores, food waste management – new biological and composting technologies, RO efficiency markers for reject water.
- Composting, informative appendix on the proper installation and maintenance of composting toilets.
- Installer qualifications, new certification recommendations that will help ensure proper installation of water efficient technologies.
- Premise water supply systems, including efficient arrangement of plumbing fixtures.
- Compact distribution strategies that work to improves water and energy efficiency and water quality, an investigation into minimum and maximum water flow velocities in premise plumbing, appropriate uses and maximum length requirement for 3/8-inch diameter tubing.
- Sustainable drinking water treatment, including new references of industry standards addressing water treatment technologies.
- WE•Stand Technical Committee meetings are held at IAPMO headquarters in Ontario, California, and are open to the public. Check out the 2020 WE•Stand development timeline and help build the future of water efficiency.
Anyone interested in serving on the committee may download the application at http://bit.ly/2h6SOSi. You may also request an application from Maria Bazan at (708) 995-3007.
For specific information about the WE•Stand Technical Committee, please contact Dan Cole at (708) 995-3009 or via email at dan.cole@iapmo.org.