Coalition believes companies in Malaysia are buying unfinished pipe fittings from China, performing finishing operations in Malaysia and selling the fittings to U.S. customers as products of Malaysia.

Bell & Gossett releases Q3 Little Red Schoolhouse schedule​

August 12, 2015

Bell & Gossett announces its 2015 third quarter Little Red Schoolhouse seminar schedule for in-person training. The training center’s seminars provide systems design training to engineers, wholesalers and contractors in the plumbing and hydronic heating and cooling industries.

Little Red Schoolhouse

Design & Application of Water Based HVAC Systems Seminar, Sept. 28-30.

Service & Maintenance of Water Based HVAC Systems Seminar, Oct. 5-7.

Modern Hydronic Heating Systems- Basic Seminar, Oct. 12-14.

Modern Hydronic Heating Systems- Advanced Seminar, Oct. 19-21.

Design & Application of Water Based HVAC Systems Seminar, Nov. 9-11.

Large Chilled Water System Design Seminar, Nov. 16-18.

Steam System Design & Application Seminar, Dec. 7-9.

Online education

Bell & Gossett’s commitment to education continues with virtual curriculum. The Online Little Red Schoolhouse training and educational programming is available to a global audience. Programming begins with introductory courses on centrifugal pump fundamentals and piping systems. These courses are intended to complement the more in-depth, hands-on experience our students get through in-person courses.

For continuing education credit information, seminar descriptions, representative information and enrollment, click here.

To sign up for seminars via the Online Little Red Schoolhouse, click here.