Plumbing & Heating
2017 Oct PHC Sean McCormack

White Glove Service

How a once-in-a-lifetime experience showed me how to treat a customer.

October 13, 2017

Whether in a suite or in a customer’s home, there are things that should be done to make your job easier.

It was your typical Monday workday, and if everything could go wrong, it certainly did. I’m sure we’ve all had these days, and for some reason, they always fall on the worst day of the week, Monday.

I had finally wrapped a long day and was on my way home when my cell phone began to ring. I looked down to see who was calling.

“Anthony? I wonder why he would be calling me?” I thought to myself.

Anthony is my cousin, and almost every time he calls, he is looking to rip into me about one of the many competitive sports that my close family members and I play.

I figured he was probably calling about our golf tournament that weekend, or looking to tell me how badly my fantasy baseball team was doing.

I was not in the mood to talk about any of those things with him after a frustrating day at work, but I picked up the phone.

“Hey Ant! What’s going on?” I asked.

“Sean, I have two tickets for WWE SummerSlam this Sunday night; do you and Mason want to go?”

“Wow! I would love to go. Thank you so much,” I replied.

“They should be decent seats, because I got them from a client who works for NBC Studios,” he said.

“Thank you so much Anthony. Mason is going to be super excited about this,” I replied.

“No problem at all. Oh, one more thing, your fantasy baseball team sucks,” he said as he quickly hung up the phone so I couldn’t respond.

I didn’t expect that to happen. My awful day had a wonderful ending. I called my son, Mason, to tell him the great news.

The rest of the work week went a lot better than Monday’s nightmare, and now it was Sunday afternoon, and Mason and I were on our way into Brooklyn, New York for SummerSlam.

We hit a ton of traffic, and I was asked, “When are we going to be there?” at least 100 times. But, we did finally manage to arrive safely, and Mason and I were super excited for the big event.

We arrived at the main entrance of the arena to find a sea full of wrestling fans, some dressed like the all-time greats such as Hulk Hogan, Macho Man and Ric Flair. As they were all anxiously waiting to enter the building for summer’s biggest event, I thought to myself, “Oh no, this is going to take forever to get in. Maybe there is another way to enter the building? Maybe this is for a meet-and-greet with the wrestling superstars?”

I approached one of the Hulk Hogan look-alikes and asked, “Excuse me, is this the line to enter the arena, or is this a special line to meet the superstars?”

He responded in a Hulk Hogan voice, “Well, brother, this is the only entrance into the building unless you have a suite. Where are you sitting, brother?” he asked.

“I’m not too sure actually,” I responded as I showed him my tickets.

“Wow, you are actually in a private suite!” he replied as he broke out of his Hogan imitation. “You can actually make a left around this corner and enter the doors that say ‘Calvin Klein Suites entrance.’”

I thanked the energetic look-alike, and Mason and I quickly escaped the mayhem. We turned the corner, and there it was: “Calvin Klein Suites enter here.”

“Perfect. Mason, here it is, let’s go,” I said, excited. We made our way through the two huge double glass doors and stepped onto a bright, soft, red carpet with velvet roping surrounding it. There were no lines, and the staff at the front desk warmly welcomed us, “Hello sir, welcome to The Barclays Center. Please make your way to the private elevator to your right, and this gentleman will be able to assist you to your seats.”

Mason and I made our way to the elevator and were greeted by another gentleman dressed in a black suit and tie with white gloves. “Please step this way and enter the elevator,” he said. He then pressed the suite floor button. The doors opened, and we stepped out of the elevator into what now looked like a luxury hotel lobby.

“Come this way, please,” another staff member said. “Follow me.”

Mason and I couldn’t believe our eyes. This place was immaculate. “Da-da, are we still in SummerSlam? This looks like a hotel,” he asked.

“I take it this is your first time in a suite?” she asked.

“Yep, first time for the both of us,” I replied.

“You’re going to love it. Here it is,” she said. She opened the door to the suite, and I was blown away. “Help yourself to anything in here. We have a veggie plate with dip over here. Cheeseburgers, wings and hot dogs over there. Water, soda, juice and beer in the refrigerator.”

“This is all included?” I asked.

“Yes, it is. Anything you need, you just let me know,” she laughed. Mason and I were blown away by the service and all the perks they offered us.

The entire night we were catered to, and they even went out of their way to cook some food that wasn’t offered in the suite. The refrigerator was constantly restocked and the food replenished. Mason and I lucked out on this amazing experience. If we wanted to sit in that suite again, it would run about $3,500 each.

My son and I felt incredible that evening in Brooklyn. We were treated with high class, and the service was off the charts. Everything from the separate entrance to how the staff was dressed in suits and how we were catered to every second with anything we needed. This is how we should all run our plumbing businesses.

Sometimes our customers are spending $4,000 to $6,000 on a new heating system, and they should be treated just like Mason and I were that evening. Obviously, I’m not suggesting that we buy them food, drinks and whatever they need; although, I do always ask our customers if they’d like a coffee and something to eat, if we make a breakfast run. However, going the extra mile for a client, wearing a professional uniform, clean cut, showing up on time, being polite and respectful, all goes a long way in this industry.

From the second you enter a customer’s home or apartment, that customer should have the “white glove” service like we had at SummerSlam that evening. I’ve realized that people like you and I all love to feel important. If we can make our customers feel that way, I can guarantee it will be a lot easier for them to sign a check for the great work and customer service that you and your team provided.

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