BPI to Introduce Backflow Prevention Journal E-Magazine
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials has announced that its Backflow Prevention Institute will launch a new e-magazine, Backflow Prevention Journal, in January 2018.
The Backflow Prevention Journal will replace Backflow Prevention & Plumbing Standards magazine, which will cease publication at the end of the year. With a digital format, the bimonthly journal will contain articles from many of the same writers as BPPS and retain such regular columns as Inside the Industry, Repair Guys and Test Your Skills.
The journal’s content will focus on cross-connection control and backflow prevention, including articles about municipal water programs, cross-connection industry news and updates, along with backflow testing and repair issues. It will also highlight product innovations, cross-connection control regulations, and other topics vital to the irrigation, design, inspection, fire protection, plumbing, and mechanical aspects of backflow prevention and cross-connection control.
Additionally, the e-magazine will actively solicit technical content from backflow prevention assembly manufacturers desiring to further educate this very important segment of the cross-connection industry.
The journal will start with a circulation of more than 17,000 backflow prevention professionals (testers, repairers, surveyors, and specialists) and other individuals working within the water industry tasked with administrating cross-connection control programs.
The Backflow Prevention Journal will be available online at http://www.iapmobpi.org.