Engineer of the Year

Are You 2017’s Engineer of the Year?

Plumbing Engineer is looking to showcase an engineer that has gone above and beyond.

September 26, 2017

Our December issue of Plumbing Engineer will highlight the Engineer of the Year, and we’re looking for nominations. We’d like to feature an engineer, or firm, that has gone above and beyond to meet challenges, whether on a project, or by ways of forward-thinking in business.

Last year, Todd S. Beenders, plumbing and fire protection department lead at Huitt-Zollars was recognized as the 2016 Engineer of the Year.

Beenders’ ability to communicate and inspire, be aware and intuitive, and portray confidence and approachability has allowed him to not only serve the firm he works for, but all those around him.

This year, we’re hoping to showcase another great engineer, or firm.

Do you know anyone who fits this bill? Are you a stellar engineer? Have you adopted technology that has propelled your business? Are you a part of your community and do you step outside of the regular call of duty with your skills? Tell us why you should be recognized as the 2017 Engineer of the Year.

Please share with us in a brief description of what sets you, or the engineer you’re nominating, apart. Email by Oct. 13, 2017 and use ENGINEER OF THE YEAR in the subject line.