
ServiceTitan Supports Nexstar Legacy Foundation with Matching Gift

September 15, 2017

ServiceTitan, the manufacturer of enterprise software for residential HVAC, plumbing and electrical services businesses in the U.S.,  is donating funds in a matching gift program for the Nexstar Legacy Foundation Troops to Trades and Explore the Trades programs. The donation was announced at the Nexstar Network Super Meeting in Washington, D.C.

ServiceTitan is donating up to $50,000, with $10,000 of the donation kicking off the campaign. Until Oct. 15, ServiceTitan will be donating an additional $1,000 to the program for every Nexstar member that signs on with ServiceTitan.

“We are so grateful for the support of industry leader, ServiceTitan,” said Jack Tester, Nexstar Network president and CEO. “They work with so many business leaders in the home services industry, and they know the challenges they face attracting and keeping quality service technicians. ServiceTitan’s support is important to the efforts of the Nexstar Legacy Foundation and are very much appreciated.”

Troops to Trades is dedicated to helping military veterans find a career at a plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical service business. Explore the Trades seeks to actively drive students into the home services field through education of students, businesses and schools.

“The Nexstar Legacy Foundation works to provide training and education to young people wanting to work in this great industry,” said Kate Cinnamo, director of the Nexstar Legacy Foundation. “This is the best industry in the world complete with sharp, motivated people doing remarkable work. We’re proud that since 2006 we have provided more than $275,000 in training and education to the newest members of the home services industry. The money from ServiceTitan will enable us to continue our growth with our Troops to Trades and Explore the Trades initiatives.”

This is the first time ServiceTitan has donated money to the Nexstar Legacy Foundation.
