International Team Completes First-Ever Community Plumbing Challenge Design Week
An international team comprising young plumbers, plumbing engineers and architects from Indonesia, Australia and the United States has successfully completed the first-ever Community Plumbing Challenge Design Week, marking the beginning of the Community Plumbing Challenge 2017 program in Cikarang, Bekasi (West Java), Indonesia.
From July 31-Aug. 3, the group was welcomed to Sekolah Dasar Negeri, a public elementary school in Cicau Village, Cikarang, where it completed a surveying and design process over four days in full consultation with school management and with further input from teachers and schoolchildren. A sustainable upgrade solution for water supply, wastewater and hand-washing at the school was the objective of this collaboration.
This ongoing development was complemented with a series of games and activities presented to the schoolchildren – aimed at different age groups, and delivered both inside the classroom and outside in the playground and surrounding school grounds – that demonstrated key ideas linking personal health and hygiene to water, sanitation and design thinking.
The “CPC Hub” workshop space was provided at the head office of PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia, which borders Cicau Village. For the duration of the week, the team traveled to and from the CPC base and Cicau Village for ongoing discussions, meetings and site visits, before developing a final design solution and workplan, which was presented to public school officials on the final day.
The resulting plan – approved in principle by school management and now in the process of being agreed with local authorities and supporting local contractors features the following:
- Renovation of existing toilet facilities in both buildings at elementary school.
- Expansion of existing toilets in both school buildings, doubling the number from two toilets per building to four toilets per building for approximately 300 students and 12 staff members.
- Construction of new hand-washing areas outside both renovated toilet facilities.
- Installation of two new elevated water tanks for improved water supply to the facilities.
- Installation of new waste water system for the facilities.
Division of the above work plan into two phases:
- Phase 1: to be completed by the International Team at CPC2017 Construction Week in November to deliver all water supply and wastewater upgrade for both buildings, plus the renovation/expansion of toilet facilities and addition of hand-washing for the first building.
- Phase 2: to be completed by students and teachers from local vocational schools as part of the Legacy Project (February/March 2018), to deliver the renovation/expansion of toilet facilities and the addition of hand-washing for the second building.
Design decisions made throughout the process have considered the new Indonesian Plumbing Standard, SNI 8153:2015, and acknowledged further experience from the Healthabitat O/S Village Sanitation and School Toilet Construction programs in Nepal, a partner program supported by the International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation.
Several of the International Team members involved with CPC2017 Design Week are currently or have been previously involved with the work of Healthabitat in Nepal, and were subsequently able to develop these concepts in the new context of Cicau Village and the elementary school.
CPC2017 represents the first time an international Community Plumbing Challenge program will be delivered in two parts, with the creation of Design Week and Construction Week stages for this edition.
Following the successful conclusion of CPC2017 Design Week, Construction Week is scheduled to be hosted at the elementary school from Nov. 9-15. Construction Week will comprise an intensive, seven-day program that will combine global industry representatives with local expertise to deliver the work plan developed during CPC2017 Design Week (as indicated by Phase 1 in the outline above).
Crucially, for the long-term impact and sustainability of the CPC2017 program in Indonesia – with the potential to develop for similar school and village settings in the surrounding region and in other parts of the country – the resulting Design Week workplan also identifies initial CPC2017 Legacy project initiatives that will continue into 2018 (as indicated by Phase 2 in the outline above).
A full schedule for CPC2017 Construction Week will be released in September. It will include additional, supporting community activities that will complement the project in November, and will identify other exciting ways for industry partners and stakeholders to get involved in the overall program.
CPC2017 Design Week was presented by:
- PT. IAPMO Indonesia (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) – Indonesia
- IWSH (International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation)
- World Plumbing Council
CPC2017 Design Week was sponsored by:
- ASPE (American Society of Plumbing Engineers) – USA
- UA Plumbers Local 78 (United Association: Union of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and Service Techs) – USA
- P.I.P.E. (Piping Industry Progress & Education) – USA
- PICAC (Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre) – Australia
- USAID (United States Agency for International Development) – USA/Indonesia
In association with:
- BSN (Badan Standardisasi Nasional/National Standardization Agency) – Indonesia
- Healthabitat O/S – Australia
- IAPMO India (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) – India
- SST Singapore (School of Science and Technology) – Singapore
- SMK 01, Jakarta (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Vocational High School) – Indonesia
- SMK 26, Jakarta (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Vocational High School) – Indonesia
- Troppo Architects – Australia
The CPC2017 Design Week International Team was as follows:
- Aidan Ward (Australia): plumber representing PICAC.
- Akbar Triandhika Budiman (Indonesia): plumbing student, SMK 26 Jakarta.
- Angga Sukmanika (Indonesia): plumbing teacher, SMK 01 Jakarta.
- Anthony Flores (USA): plumber/designer, representing UA Plumbers Local 78.
- Budiman Syahputra (Indonesia): plumbing teacher, SMK 26 Jakarta.
- Jati Pambudi (Indonesia): engineer, IAPMO Indonesia.
- Jessica Mountain (Australia): architect, Troppo Architects.
- Matthew Geldard-Ker (Australia): MA architecture student, University Western Australia.
- Melynda Kensey (Australia): architect representing Healthabitat O/S.
- Muhammad Fauzi Mustaqim Akkas (Indonesia): plumbing student, SMK 01 Jakarta.
- Nicholas Hipp (USA): plumbing Engineer, representing ASPE.