Byron Woodard named president of John Guest USA
Most recently, Woodard was the chief marketing officer at Ferguson Enterprises.
John Guest USA announces Byron Woodard as its new president. Prior to joining John Guest, Woodard was the chief marketing officer at Ferguson Enterprises. He was previously the chief marketing officer and vice president of sales of North America at McGraw-Hill Financial.
Throughout his 22-year career, Woodard has garnered an impressive track record of strategic, commercial, and operational achievements within the plumbing, industrial, manufacturing, construction and HVAC industries. More specifically, he is bringing more than a decade of combined distribution, logistics and MRO experience to his new role.
As president, Woodard is responsible for the entire P&L of both John Guest USA and John Guest Automotive. Particularly, he is in charge of JG's business strategy, top line revenue growth and the profitability of the company. This will also include his supervision of all sales, operations, marketing, finance, warehouse, human resources and customer service personnel.
Woodard holds a Bachelors of Science in Ocean Engineering from the United States Naval Academy, two post-graduate certificates in executive leadership and strategic marketing from Cornell University, and one post-graduate certificate in international business management from IMD in Switzerland.