
KJWW Engineering and TTG Engineers rebrand to IMEG Corp.

April 17, 2017

KJWW Engineering Consultants and TTG Engineers are now IMEG Corp.

The name change follows a 2015 merger between Illinois-based KJWW and California-based TTG, at which time IMEG Corp. was formed. Both firms and their subsidiaries are now doing business as IMEG at the corporation’s more than 30 locations worldwide.

IMEG is one of the largest engineering consulting firms in the U.S. specializing in high performing building systems, infrastructure, and construction-related services. The firm employs 1,000 personnel and is headquartered in Rock Island, Ill. IMEG CEO and President Paul VanDuyne said the name change is a natural progression and the final step in the integration of the two firms, a process that has retained all offices and personnel.

“Over the past two years we have integrated corporate functions, instituted a regional management structure and established a new internal technical operations team,” said VanDuyne. “Our name change is simply the culmination of our success in making the sum of two firms greater than the whole. Our consultant-client relationships – our No. 1 priority – remain unchanged and intact at all our locations. The difference now is that we can offer even more services and value to our clients worldwide due to our expanded and integrated services.”

IMEG’s core building services include engineering design in the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and technology disciplines with medical equipment planning, architectural lighting, acoustics consulting, and commissioning provided as speciality services. Additionally, civil engineering and construction support services are offered throughout IMEG’s western locations.

KJWW was founded in Rock Island in 1961 by Walter Kimmel, followed by Ward Jensen, Sam Wray, and Vern Wegerer in the mid to late sixties. Larry Pithan, now IMEG CFO, joined the firm in 1973, followed by VanDuyne in 1976, who became KJWW’s president and CEO in 2003. TTG was founded as Tharaldson and Matthewson in 1955 in Redlands, Calif., and later joined by two additional partners, Argabright and Doby. The firm grew through expansion and acquisitions and changed names over the years, becoming TTG in 2011. TTG President Zareh Astourian is now chairman of the IMEG Board of Directors.

By the time of the merger, TTG and KJWW had grown to 15 locations each. Since the merger, KJWW acquired Michigan-based FES Group and IMEG acquired Texas-based JanCom Technologies and Arizona-based Taylor Rymar.

“We’re the same people, providing the same high-quality work and innovation,” said VanDuyne. “We’re committed to continuing the fine reputation established by our founders – now under the IMEG name.”