U.S. Representative Donna F. Edwards tours H.M. Sweeny Company headquarters and meets employees and customers.

U.S. Representative visits HARDI member connections formed at Congressional Fly-In

July 9, 2015

Landover, Md. – HARDI member H.M. Sweeny Company of Landover, Maryland hosted U.S. Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards at its facility on June 30.

H.M. Sweeny employees Tom Backus and Steve Ratsch met with the congresswoman as part of HARDI’s Congressional Fly-In this past May.

“We know the importance of developing a relationship with our representatives,” said Tom Backus of H.M. Sweeny Company. “We are thrilled that Congresswoman Edwards accepted our invitation to visit our headquarters. What a great opportunity to discuss an HVACR small business’ perspective on EPA regulations, the Department of Energy’s furnace proposal, ways to improve access to trade education and ways the government can help small businesses like us grow.”

“My visit to H.M. Sweeny Company was incredibly informative,” said Congresswoman Edwards, who has represented the district since 2008. “I enjoyed touring their facility, meeting with employees and customers and learning about the great work being done to train individuals to be HVAC technicians. Small businesses are cornerstones of our communities, and I look forward to continue visiting more like this throughout Maryland’s 4th Congressional District.”

“This is the exact scenario we want to come from the Fly-In,” said HARDI’s Jon Melchi, vice president of Government Affairs & Business Development. “The Fly-In is not meant to be a self-contained experience but the starting point for ongoing communications with our representatives.”

More than 90 HARDI members developed relationships with representatives in Congress during the Fly-In. HARDI encourages all of its members to foster relationships with their representatives.
