WinWholesale selects six locations for company of the year
Ohio - WinWholesale has selected six of its locations as a Company of the Year in their respective industry segments. Segments include plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), industrial PVF, electrical, turf irrigation and other industries. WinWholesale, one of the largest distributors of residential and commercial construction and industrial supplies and materials in the nation, has more than 560 companies, collectively referred to as the Win Group of Companies.
Each is a corporation with a president or manager and a board of directors. WinWholesale is the majority shareholder in each local company and provides a broad array of support services to them. These great companies delivered exceptional performance in 2014 and were instrumental in the double-digit growth we achieved overall in 2014, said Monte Salsman, chief operating officer, WinWholesale. We are excited to recognize great companies for their entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to creating loyal and profitable customers.
Company of the Year honors were presented to the following: Plumbing Company of the Year: Shelton Winnelson (Conn.), Prisco Panza, president HVAC Company of the Year: Albuquerque Winair (N.M.), Chris Lopez, president Industrial Company of the Year: Baltimore Windustrial, Vince Brown, president Electrical Company of the Year: Odessa Winlectric (Texas), Carl Long, president Niche Industry Company of the Year: Midland Winpump (Texas), Stan Bippen, president Turf Irrigation Company of the Year: Bend Winsupply (Ore.), Jeff Kroeker, president.