Hugo Aguilar, PE, ASA’s director of codes and standards, has been appointed to represent ASA as a full committee voting member for these codes.

ASA Appointed to the NFPA 54 and NFPA 58 Technical Committees​

January 5, 2017

Hugo Aguilar, PE, director of codes and standards for the American Supply Association, has been appointed to represent ASA as a full committee voting member in the development of NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code) and NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code).

NFPA 54 requirements cover the installation and operation of fuel gas piping systems, appliances, equipment, and related accessories, with rules for piping systems materials and components, piping system testing and purging, combustion and ventilation air supply, and venting of gas-fired appliances and equipment. NFPA 58 topics encompass design, construction, installation, and operation of liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas) systems including piping, equipment, containers, venting, and highway transportation of LP-Gas.

The NFPA 54 code is nationally recognized and approved by the American National Standards Institute. The provisions addressed within NFPA 54 can be found in model codes such as IAPMO’s Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and ICC’s International Fuel Gas Code. Typically, before the provisions in NFPA 54 find their way into the model codes, they are discussed during the NFPA 54 Technical Committee meetings.

The NFPA 58 is a code for LP-Gas systems that is addressed in the UMC, UPC and the IFGC.

NFPA 54 has completed its process to generate the 2018 edition; the code change process will resume in 2018 to generate the 2020 edition of the code. The NFPA 58 will start its process on June 28, 2017 to generate the 2020 edition of the code.

ASA is committed to participating in the development of these codes and bettering an industry, which protects the public’s health and welfare. For any questions pertaining to the NFPA appointments, please contact Hugo Aguilar at