Participating in the ACCA Codes Committee will give ASA an insight on the thoughts of the HVACR industry on proposed changes to the ICC, IAPMO and NFPA standards.

ASA Appointed to ACCA Codes Committee

November 11, 2016

In a continued effort to be fully engaged in the codes arena, the American Supply Association is proud to announce that it will serve as a voting member in the Air Conditioning Contractors of America Codes Committee.

The scope of the ACCA Codes Committee is to advise and assist ACCA to beneficially represent contractors to the codes community and in the code processes that affect the HVAC industry. Support active involvement in the International Code Council, National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials and other recognized national code processes for the codes that impact the HVACR industry.

ACCA's membership includes more than 60,000 professionals and 4,000 businesses in the indoor environment and energy services community. ACCA works together to promote professional contracting, energy efficiency, and healthy, comfortable indoor environments.

Participating in the ACCA Codes Committee will give ASA an insight on the thoughts of the HVACR industry on proposed changes to the ICC, IAPMO and NFPA standards. The thoughts and input of ASA members will be a factor on ACCA’s position on proposals and comments. Having ACCA as an allied organization is beneficial to ASA, as ACCA currently holds a voting position on the IAPMO Uniform Mechanical Code Technical Committee.

ASA’s participation in the ACCA Codes Committee will also benefit ACCA, as it can provide expert opinion on important matters via the ASA Codes and Standards Committee. This venture will be headed by Hugo Aguilar, Director of Codes and Standards, and will represent ASA in the committee.

For any questions pertaining to the ACCA Codes Committee appointment, or any other Codes & Standards questions, please contact Hugo Aguilar at