ACCA and RESNET Announce ANSI Public Review Period for Proposed Revisions to Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems.jpg

ACCA and RESNET Announce ANSI Public Review Period for Proposed Revisions to Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems

August 23, 2024

The Residential Energy Services Network Inc. (RESNET) and the Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) announce an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) public review period for proposed revisions to ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310 – 2020, Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems. 

The 45-day ANSI public review period commenced on Aug. 16, 2024, with a comment deadline of Sept. 30, 2024. The project updates the 310 standard for its second edition. 

The standard is the product of a collaborative effort between RESNET, ACCA, and the International Code Council (ICC) that establishes the procedures, tolerances, and record-keeping practices for evaluating and grading elements of an HVAC system’s design and installation. ACCA and RESNET have an MOU to develop and maintain the above standard with RESNET being the lead organization. 

Standard 310 provides a pathway to earn an improved Energy Rating Index (ERI) score when the heating and cooling system is installed in compliance with its published requirements. The standard applies to unitary HVAC systems and is composed of five tasks: A design review, a total duct leakage test, a blower fan volumetric airflow test, a blower fan watt draw test, and a noninvasive evaluation of refrigerant charge. Designed to be completed in sequence, the results of each task are evaluated for compliance with specified thresholds including design tolerances and installation quality.

Those wishing to review a copy of the draft proposal can access it here. Those submitting comments can use the link provided on the review page.