ASPE and IAPMO Co-Publish White Paper on Capacities of Stacks and Horizontal Drains in Storm Drainage Systems .jpg

ASPE and IAPMO Co-Publish White Paper on Capacities of Stacks and Horizontal Drains in Storm Drainage Systems

June 4, 2024

ASPE and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) announce the publication of White Paper 2-2024: Capacities of Stacks and Horizontal Drains in Storm Drainage Systems.

The sizing for storm drainage systems depends on flow capacity equations used to calculate velocities and flow rates in pipe conduits. One of the variables in the equations is the coefficient of roughness. This paper explores how the roughness of different types of material will change the computational results that are dependent upon the roughness coefficient of the pipe.

“I’d like to thank the ASPE members who participated in this important research as part of the Peer Review. ASPE is appreciative of IAMPO’s willingness to draw upon ASPE’s membership for knowledge experts to support the collaboration,” says William “Billy” Smith, FASPE, ASPE’s executive director and CEO. “ASPE is dedicated to advancing the science of plumbing engineering, and the knowledge provided by this white paper will help ensure that storm drainage systems function as needed to prevent catastrophic building failure and protect public safety.”

You can download the IAPMO/ASPE white paper for free at