IAPMO Seeks Public Input on Manual of Recommended Practice for Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) has opened the public review period for the initial draft of the Manual of Recommended Practice for Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping.
IAPMO initiated the Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping Task Group — which consisted of industry experts from across the nation and abroad — in March 2022 to create a manual to develop code-enhanced and adoptable language for hydrogen gas piping systems. The task group's work culminated in the release of this manual, which addresses the recommended practices for hydrogen fuel gas piping systems and includes annex materials for hydrogen fuel gas admixtures. While developed as a guidance document, it is written in mandatory language so building and health departments can easily adopt and codify the requirements. Additionally, this standalone manual includes excerpts from the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC).
"Embracing hydrogen as a viable energy source is crucial in our journey toward sustainability," IAPMO Director of Technical Services and Research John A. Mullen said. "It remains highly critical that the materials used in hydrogen gas piping meet the highest standards for safety, longevity and corrosion resistance. By establishing this task group, we're mobilizing a team of industry experts to ensure professional installers are equipped to safely transport hydrogen fuel gas through piping in our buildings."
The IAPMO manual may be downloaded for free at: https://www.iapmo.org/media/32299/manual-of-recommended-practices-for-hydrogen-fuel-gas-piping-public-review.pdf.