Uponor Receives EcoVadis Gold Level Rating.jpg

Uponor Receives EcoVadis Gold Level Rating

August 28, 2023

Uponor has been awarded the Gold level rating by the global sustainability rating platform EcoVadis. The total score improved to 70 out of 100 (62 /100 in 2022: Silver level rating) putting Uponor among the top 6% of the 5000 companies in the plastic products manufacturing sector evaluated by EcoVadis globally.

This is the first time Uponor has been awarded with the Gold level. This achievement reflects Uponor's long-standing commitment to sustainability and transparency in its ESG reporting. Uponor's scores in both Labor & Human Rights and Sustainable Procurement improved significantly.

"Our new sustainability agenda, launched in 2022, has given us a new framework with ambitious targets to aim for. The new sustainability agenda is based on where we can make a difference. We are making a commitment to our customers, owners, partners, employees, and society – a promise that we will do our very best to increase our positive impacts, to reduce our environmental footprint, and ensure full transparency on both. We continuously develop our ESG reporting to ensure transparency towards all our stakeholders and to make our progress visible. I'm very proud of our team effort across the organization which is now reflected in our improved EcoVadis score, "said Thomas Fuhr, chief technology officer at Uponor Corp.

Grounded in our strategy, Uponor's sustainability agenda aims to maximize our positive impact on customers, employees, and society, while minimizing our own environmental footprint. Finalized in 2022, the agenda was created together with our customers, Uponorians, and other key stakeholders. In our interviews with stakeholders, the same three topics kept surfacing: climate action, circularity, and transparency. We address these three topics in our new sustainability agenda, which includes concrete, measurable targets we aim for.

EcoVadis is a collaborative platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The EcoVadis methodology framework assesses companies' policies and actions as well as their published reporting related to the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The EcoVadis methodology is based on the international sustainability standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and ISO 26000.