Harold Armstrong’s Lasting Impact
Celebrating an industry veteran whose giveback to the PVF industry will last for generations.
Harold Armstrong, president of Armstrong/Weatherly Associates for 44 years and The Wholesaler magazine’s 2020 PVF Hall of Fame inductee, has spent decades fighting for youth enrolled in trade schools on behalf of the PVF Roundtable.
In addition to his board position there to raise scholarship funding, Armstrong emersed himself into the darker side of trade student needs that many of us don’t realize exists: students whose priorities are to raise their families while enrolled, single parents on fixed incomes, and caretakers of elderly family members whose lives depend on what that student can bring home for dinner.
Many students crumble under the pressure and drop out to get a job, but some stick with it and find scholarship funding from organizations such as the PVF Roundtable and food pantry assistance from the schools to help them survive each semester. For years this has been Armstrong’s focus — more times than not, he reached into his pocket to help a student in need. Meeting after meeting with counselors and pantry coordinators ended with no permanent solutions, but Armstrong continued to give it his all.
This is the Harold we all know. Though he is leaving the PVF Roundtable board of directors this month, he has left a lasting impact of humanitarianism in his wake, a passion and drive for a purpose much deeper than just cutting scholarship checks. A passion for people. A passion for future leaders of our industry fighting to make it to where most of us are today: proper education, training, a career, a steady income and a means to support a family.
Armstrong was introduced to the PVF Roundtable almost 25 years ago by Don Caffee, where he joined as a board member and served as its vice president once. Though the entirety of the board is responsible for fundraising, Armstrong also focused on endowments. He vetted each school and its programs to track the financial success these scholarship donations had on students who received the PVF Roundtable’s assistance.
It is nearly impossible to describe the difference he made in many students’ lives. An incredible man with a heart of gold, Harold Armstrong passionately and eagerly wants to mentor the future of this industry, a true PVF icon.
Armstrong leaves behind a board of directors with several new members under the direction of PVF Roundtable President Sara Alford of Newmans Valves, who will carry the torch onward with the same sincerity.
“The job is about helping needy students accomplish their goal of a better education,” she states. “The PVF Roundtable has done such wonderful things through donations, events and volunteers who give their hearts to furthering our community and encouraging students to join our PVF industry.”
Kim Shelton-Brown, fellow board member and longtime friend, notes: “Having had the absolute pleasure of knowing Harold for the past decade, it’s hard to articulate my feelings about this wonderful gentleman. I see Harold first and foremost as my dear friend. Over the past decade, he has also been a wonderful mentor to me.
“He has helped me navigate the oil and gas industry in all aspects, not only in the local Houston and Texas region but nationally and globally, as Harold has a significant network of friends, colleagues and associates worldwide. This is a testament to the man he is.”
Joe Pro, another fellow board member and dear friend, commented on Harold’s impact: “When I first met Harold Armstrong, I was impressed by his broad knowledge of the PVF industry. I have been so fortunate to spend a lot of time learning from Harold. Over the years, he has taught me so much about business, employees, family, giving back and being passionate about what you believe in. I will always be grateful for our countless conversations about so many topics.
“He has been driven to grow the PVF Roundtable scholarship program for many years. His focus on helping students is an inspiration to the entire PVF board. If you get a chance, ask him about the food pantries at the schools we support. You are guaranteed to walk away a changed person.”
Armstrong intends to continue guiding, mentoring and fully supporting students in the trade while spending a little more time traveling with his wife, Kathy. The PVF Roundtable board of directors would like to extend an enormous thank you to Harold Armstrong and the pride of knowing these efforts will be continued passionately.