
NKBA expands learning, networking for KBIS 2015

January 8, 2014

HACKETTSTOWN, N.J. — As owners of the 2015 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS), the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) is increasing learning opportunities, awarding its first-ever Professional of the Year award, and delivering some of the best networking opportunities that the industry has to offer.

NKBA University, the association’s learning and professional development arm, will present NKBA U Courses as well as Voices From The Industry (VFTI) including the Featured Speaker Sessions as part of the KBIS 2015 conference offerings. Many of the sessions give attendees the chance to earn continuing education units (CEUs), allowing them to maximize their KBIS attendance by earning required CEUs to maintain their accreditations.

“We work hard to ensure that conference attendees can maximize their time at KBIS 2015,” explained Nancy Barnes, director of Learning at the NKBA. “By integrating excellent learning and professional development opportunities into the KBIS schedule, we allow our members – all of whom have busy schedules – to include professional development to enhance their KBIS experience.”

For the second consecutive year, KBIS will co-locate with the International Builders’ Show (IBS), to form Design & Construction Week (DCW) — a must-attend event to be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from January 20 to 22, 2015. In addition to KBIS and IBS, attendees can also take in Surfaces (International Surface Event), IWCE (International Window Coverings Expo), and special events during the Las Vegas Market.

Over 90 sessions are being offered at KBIS 2015 – many will offer continuing education units (CEUs) from the NKBA as well as other industry associations, such as National Association of Homebuilders, National Association of the Remodeling Industry, and American Institute of Architects. The hour-long information sessions are grouped into 11 conference blocks over three days and offer attendees a chance to hear presentations from their industry peers on a variety of current topics and trends. All VFTI sessions are aligned to one of NKBA University’s eight learning paths.

Of the 11 courses offered at the show, the NKBA will include new courses available exclusively at KBIS. The courses will cover topics such as recruiting and hiring, decorative plumbing, creative thinking, customer service, and sales. All courses are taught by top instructors and are designed to further develop an industry professional’s career. The courses have a separate registration fee from the Voices From The Industry pass. A highlight of the 11 Learning Courses offered at KBIS 2015 is the DiSCover Your Selling Style course, offered on January 19. The course uses the DiSC Sales Profile to help participants improve their sales performance and results. The Professional Resource Library will also have the latest editions of its books available for purchase.

VFTI will present two featured speakers during the show. Timing and topics are:

  • January 20: Jason Tester, Research Director, Human-Future Interaction, Institute for the Future shares insights on “Design for Balance in the Home of 2030” (Design and Inspiration – 0.1 CEU).
  • January 21: Kevin Murphy, Chief Operating Officer, Ferguson will present the State of the Industry address on “Embrace Change, Fear Status Quo (Sponsored by Danze).” (Business Management – 0.1 CEU).

The 30 Under 30 is a select group of young kitchen and bath professionals under the age of 30 who represent some of the brightest up-and-comers in the kitchen and bath industry. The 30 Under 30 use the KBIS exhibits as a research tool, investigating industry trends, innovations and new technologies. This talented group will present their findings at Center Stage in the NKBA booth on January 21. They will share the results of their explorations on the KBIS show floor and answer questions from the audience.

On January 20, at Center Stage in the NKBA Booth, just as exhibitors will unveil their latest products, NKBA University will unveil its first-ever NKBA U Professional of the Year. The winner will be announced following the final competition and awarded an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Spain, courtesy of Platinum Sponsor Cosentino.

Runners-up will also receive all-expenses-paid trips for two to tour the headquarters and manufacturing facilities of one of the contest’s Gold Sponsors: Kohler Co., who will provide a tour of its headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Kohler, Wis., and GE, who will provide a tour of its Monogram Experience Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

“The NKBA U Professional of the Year contest embodies the Association’s spirit for professional development across the entire industry, setting a new industry standard for excellence,” said National Kitchen & Bath Association CEO Bill Darcy. “Our finalists have experienced the benefits of NKBA U firsthand—it’s not only a resource for kitchen and bath designers, but an online professional development platform for builders and remodelers, architects, dealers, manufacturers and representatives, as well as retailers.”

Helping to balance the excellent learning opportunities available from the NKBA at KBIS 2015 will be the association’s many networking opportunities. The NKBA has a reputation for hosting some of the most successful events in the kitchen and bath industry, providing invaluable opportunities for professionals to connect in a fun and engaging setting. The NKBA kicks off KBIS in celebratory style with The Party on  January 19, 2015, from 8:00pm to 10:00pm at Tryst Nightclub in the Wynn Hotel (immediately following the presentation of the Design Competition Awards). Traditionally a sell-out event, The Bash is a time when the kitchen and bath industry comes together to celebrate friendships new and old, successes, and all that the future has to offer. The Bash takes place on January 21 from 8:30pm to 1:30am at XS Nightclub, located at the Encore Hotel.
