PVF Roundtable Appoints Kay Peters to Board of Directors
The PVF Roundtable announces the addition of Kay Peters to its board of directors. Peters, vice president of Edward L. Haile & Associates Inc., joins the board with over 25 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and has been a PVF Roundtable member company and volunteer for six years.
“I give my time wholeheartedly and without conditions. I have been fortunate in my life to have many good deeds granted to me. Deeds I can never repay. Therefore, it is important for me to pay it forward. It has been proven that acts of kindness build exponentially in a community and because people believe that one good deed deserves another," Peters said. “Paying it forward can make the world a better place. When I read the mission statement, this is the goal of the PVF Roundtable — Paying it forward by educating, filling the gaps in the industry with skilled labor, and facilitating good deeds."
Focused on scholarship donations for students currently enrolled in the PVF trades, Peters plans to assist the Roundtable in increasing these funds, as well as the networking opportunities in place for its members.
“As a board member, I will strive to bring my expertise and knowledge and garner the same from others in my networks to help make a difference in the PVF Roundtable and PVF Young Professionals,” Peters said.
Meet Peters at the next networking event and membership drive on Feb. 21, 2023, at The Bell Tower in Houston. Membership Drive is free to attend and starts at 4:15 p.m. Click here to register.