Carlson-Holohan Industry Award of Excellence to be Revealed at AHR Expo
After a yearlong delay due to the COVID pandemic, the ninth recipient of the distinguished Carlson-Holohan Industry Award of Excellence will be revealed at the AHR Expo in Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center. Caleffi North America is proud to host the formal award presentation and cocktail reception at Booth B3317 on Monday, Feb. 6, at 3 p.m. EST.
In the spirit of Gil Carlson and the vision of Dan Holohan and Robert Bean, the award was conceived in 2006. The award is presented every two years to a nominee with attributes including technical mastery and a passion for hydronic technologies, demonstrated leadership as an educator and mentor, and an aptitude for cultivating fundraising opportunities for industry causes. The candidate must be over the age of 40 and a citizen of the United States or Canada. Simply being considered for the award places the nominees in rarified air. Prior recipients include industry icons David Yates, Mark Eatherton, Kenneth Webster, John Barba, John Siegenthaler, John Goshulak, Ingrid Mattsson and most recently Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr.
In the tradition of the award, Rohr, the 2020-22 recipient, will present a replica of a Bell & Gossett System Syzer wheel invented by Carlson to the next honoree. The unique circular slide rule calculates the relationship between flow rate, temperature change and heat transfer rate.
“Of the many pioneers and gurus in the hydronic industry, two stand out,” said Rohr, training and education manager at Caleffi. “The work and teachings of Gil Carlson set the stage for the evolution of hydronic piping. Dan Holohan became a student of his and brought these concepts to the industry with his clever and witty teaching style. Numerous books Dan authored put the sometimes-confusing concept of primary secondary piping in understandable picture form. It has been an honor to be the keeper of this industry award, paying it forward to the next generation of hydronic designers, suppliers, installers and troubleshooters. Long may you ‘pump-away.’ ”
Contact Sharon Alexander at 414 238-2360 with questions.