Legend Valve, 6 River Systems to Sponsor The Wholesaler's Free Webinar: "4 Key Success Factors for Human-Robot Collaboration in Your DC/Warehouse"
PHCPPros and The Wholesaler magazine are thrilled to announce we are presenting a free webinar on June 15 at 11 a.m. CDT! "4 Key Success Factors for Human-Robot Collaboration in Your DC/Warehouse" will be sponsored by Legend Valve and 6 River Systems, featuring speakers from both companies as well as MCA Associates. Register for free here: https://bit.ly/3OrwGQB
Whether you are just curious about warehouse/DC robotics or are considering an adoption initiative, you’ll certainly want to see and listen to this webinar. Join us and you’ll discover how, by adopting the “4 key success factors," Legend Valve was able to drive a successful warehouse robotics implementation — and how the robotics technology, provided by 6 River Systems, facilitated the robotics infrastructure.
The presentation will be led by Howard Coleman, Principal, MCA Associates; Larry Emmert, VP of Operations, Legend Valve; and Ryan Kitchie, Solutions Executive, 6 River Systems. Register for free here: https://bit.ly/3OrwGQB