General Pipe Cleaners Gen-Ear LE Water Leak Detection System

General Pipe Cleaners Gen-Ear LE Water Leak Detection System

March 11, 2022

The Gen-Ear LE from General Pipe Cleaners provides a simple, more economical water leak locator with stronger sound amplification. Gen-Ear LE can pinpoint water leaks in residential and commercial water lines – including problems in walls and under concrete slabs, swimming pools, and hot tubs. General's compact amplifier fits provides noise-free amplification with built-in, preset audio filters to eliminate settings guesswork. High-performance headphones with noise cancellation also block interference from ambient noise. And when released, an amplifier safety button mutes sudden loud noises. Gen-Ear LE's advanced acoustic ground sensor accurately detects the gurgling or hammering of water escaping from cracked pipes under concrete, asphalt, or tile. Probe rods pinpoint problems beneath soft surfaces like grass or carpet.

General Pipe Cleaners