Baltimore Aircoil TriArmor Corrosion Protection System

Baltimore Aircoil TriArmor Corrosion Protection System

August 19, 2021

Baltimore Aircoil Co. highlights the TriArmor Corrosion Protection System. This patented system offers three layers of protection, starting with G-235 galvanized steel, the heaviest commercially-available galvanized steel. Universally recognized for its strength and durability, it offers excellent service life under normal operating conditions, with proper maintenance and water treatment. The second layer is a thermosetting hybrid polymer baked onto the galvanized steel to create a durable barrier. This polymerized coating has been tested to withstand 6,000 hours in a 5% salt spray without blistering, chipping, or losing adhesion. The third layer, a polyurethane barrier, is a factory-applied, corrosion-resistant, impermeable coating that ensures a seamless basin.

Baltimore Aircoil