IAPMO, FGI Sign MOU Focusing on Health, Residential Care Facilities Standards

IAPMO, FGI Sign MOU Focusing on Health, Residential Care Facilities Standards

June 15, 2021

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) have recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in which they agreed to develop and maintain industry standards that include a focus on water safety in health and residential care facilities. The organizations will collaborate to advance each other's documents and, when mutually beneficial, share in educational opportunities, create joint documents, and advocate for each organization.

"I have designed numerous health care facilities in jurisdictions that have adopted FGI guidelines. FGI is a leading voice in improving health care design and construction practices, which include plumbing and mechanical requirements, among many others," IAPMO Vice President of Strategic Initiatives Christoph Lohr, said. "IAPMO is excited to work more closely with FGI to better align the documents from each organization with an eye toward public health, safety and sustainability."

FGI is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing guidance for the planning, design, and construction of hospitals, outpatient facilities, and residential health, care, and support facilities. FGI oversees the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction revision process and publication, funds research, and offers resources that support the development of safe, effective health and residential care built environments. FGI partners with numerous other organizations to help develop the Guidelines and other practical, evidence-informed publications.

"Over the course of my career, I have worked with IAPMO on establishing plumbing and medical gas standards," FGI CEO Doug Erickson, said. "IAPMO is recognized as a premier organization in promoting water and sanitation safety, and our association will assist in keeping both of our standards consistent and current." Erickson further pointed out, "We are particularly interested in establishing a working group to review and modify the plumbing standards in both organizations' documents to promote conservation of water and energy in medical and residential care facilities."