Michael May and Aaron May, of Mayco Sales in Dallas Texas, and B. Scott Holloway, Senior President/CEO of Josam.

Josam presents President Award recipients

January 16, 2015

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. — In January, Josam Company awarded its Top Performers with the Josam Company President’s Award.  Recipients included Mayco Sales, of Dallas; Fiskio, Inc., of Boston; Yost Associates, of Glastonbury; Repco Sales, of Chicago; BMB Sales, of N.Y.; Bennerotte Marketing, of Minneapolis; Pope Sales of Miami; Mountain West Marketing, of SLC; and Westex International, of Washington, DC.  

Under the current ownership and management since 1987, Josam Company is a leading manufacturer of quality plumbing and drainage products. With products specified and installed worldwide, the management and employees of Josam Company take great pride in the upstanding reputation and many long standing relationships that the company has earned. 
