Sloan Optimix Anti-Scald Faucet Technology 2

Sloan Optimix Anti-Scald Faucet Technology

January 7, 2021

Sloan has launched a new line of ASSE-1070 compliant faucets featuring Optimix anti-scald technology. When cold water is running low, faucets may dispense uncomfortable, unsafe hot water. Sloan's Optimix technology proactively works to prevent scalding in the event of cold water failure due to the fast and effective in-spout ASSE-1070 compliant anti-scald technology. The new anti-scald innovation is available in Sloan's most popular faucets — the Optima EAF-200, EAF-250, and EAF-275. Sloan is currently the only manufacturer in the industry offering a solar-powered anti-scald faucet. The faucets feature an integrated thermostatic mixing valve on the side of the faucet body to easily set the water to a desired temperature. The valve's lever can be removed for facilities where tamper resistance is required. 
