AquaMotion Circulators Heat Pennsylvania Apartment Complex

AquaMotion Circulators Heat Pennsylvania Apartment Complex

October 14, 2020

AquaMotion AMR-3FV1 cast iron, three speed pumps and Isolation Flanges are installed and ready to heat an apartment complex in Indiana, Pennsylvania.

The AquaMotion rep, Tom Gdaniec, president of G3 Clean Energy Marketing, could not be happier about how the project came together. The contractor did an amazing job with the installation of the 14 pumps. The residents will have sturdy, reliable American-built circulators to keep them warm in the winter. The pumps have patented flushable and replaceable stainless cartridges with long-life carbon infused sintered bronze bearings for long life.

AquaMotion is a Rhode Island manufacturer of patented stainless, cast iron PSC circulators and ECM fixed and variable speed circulators for heating, radiant, domestic water and hot water recirculation.