
Winsupply Names Odessa Winlectric Company of the Year, Others by Industry Categories

April 23, 2020

Winsupply Inc., one of the nation's largest wholesalers, has named Odessa Winlectric (Texas) its Company of the Year for the second straight year. Odessa Winlectric was the overall winner while several other Winsupply companies were named winners in their respective industries. Each year, Winsupply recognizes its top performing companies in plumbing, HVAC, industrial, electrical, waterworks, pumps, turf irrigation, and fire fabrication.

The top performing companies, locations and presidents in their respective industry, plus individual award winners, include the following:

  • Overall: Odessa Winlectric, Carl Long, president
  • Plumbing: Winsupply of Albuquerque New Mexico, Joe Jindra, president
  • HVAC: Winsupply of Houston, Jason Greagrey, president
  • Industrial: Thomas Pipe, a Winsupply Co., Whalen Ward, president
  • Electrical: Tacoma Electric, a Winsupply Co., Charlie Silva, president
  • Waterworks: Kansas City Winwater, Scott Wilson, president
  • Fire Fab: Newburgh Windustrial, Dean Lucas, president
  • Pumps: Midland Winpump, Eric Gladish, president
  • Turf Irrigation: Wyatt Irrigation, a Winsupply Co. in Santa Rosa, California, Scott Leytem, president

"The companies we selected are led by some incredible people," said Rob Ferguson, president of Winsupply Local Company Group. "These entrepreneurs prove again and again that having an owner in each location produces exceptional results by giving them the autonomy they need to serve their customers the best they can. This shared ownership model with Winsupply Inc. provides them with local decision making and uncapped profits."

All of the "Win" branded locations are part of Winsupply: Winsupply, Windustrial, Winwater, Winlectric, and Winpump. Thomas Pipe, Wyatt Irrigation and Tacoma Electric are also Winsupply companies.