Companies That Give: Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah

Companies That Give: Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah

December 18, 2019
Companies That Give: Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah 1

Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah, which celebrated 45 years in business in 2019, furthered its legacy of supporting its community in a variety of ways throughout the year — and also managed to have quite a bit of fun in the process.

Sherry Daniel, who serves as the owner and CEO, is committed to going the extra mile for customers and her community. The company presented the inaugural Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah Royal Flush Casino Night to raise almost $8,000 for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire.

Through its “Give the Gift of Plumbing” program, Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah also donated and installed $4,200 worth of new plumbing equipment at Park Place Outreach, Savannah’s shelter for homeless youth. Daniel also joined Park Place Outreach’s board of directors to further its mission of keeping kids off the street and reunifying families.

Additionally, Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah continued its annual tradition of participating in a radiothon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which has raised $60,000 in the last four years. Daniel has lent her support and that of Roto-Rooter Plumbers of Savannah to many worthy causes over the past 45 years. It is this spirit of giving back to the community she loves, coupled with her desire to help build a stronger network of support for children and youth, in particular, that drives her to seek continued opportunities to serve.

Follow this link to view more of our 2019 Companies That Give.